Q1-3. Go through the information given below, and answer the THREE questions that follow. The three graphs below capture relationship between economic (and social) activities and subjective well-being. The first graph (Graph-1) captures relationship between GDP (per capita) and Satisfaction with life, across different countries and four islands: Gizo, Roviana, Niijhum Dwip, and Chittagong. The Graph-2 captures three different measures of subjective well-being (Satisfaction with life, Affect Balance and Momentary Affect) across the four islands, which have different levels monetization (Index). The Graph-3 captures levels of thirteen different socio-economic activities across four islands.
1. Which of the following will BEST capture the relationship between GDP (x-axis) and Life Satisfaction (y-axis) of countries?
From the graph, we can say that the graph is similar to y=log(x).
y = log(x) graph is given below
The correct option is C
2. Which of the following, about the four islands, can be BEST inferred from the graphs?
- Whenever affect balance increases, satisfaction with life decreases
- Whenever Pleasant activities increase, satisfaction with life decreases
- Whenever Religion increases, satisfaction with life decreases
- Whenever satisfaction with life increases, family also increases
- Index of monetization varies maximum in Niijhum Dwip
We will check the options and figure out which option is more suitable.
Option A is not correct since it is not evident from the figure that there is a direct correlation between life satisfaction and affect balance.
Options B, C, and D are not correct since we cannot definitely conclude the correlation between the two mentioned factors.
Option E is correct because from the figure, and the fish selling distribution we can conclude the randomness than the others.
The correct option is E
3. Which of the following site has the highest fishing to economic ratio?
- Gizo
- Chittagong
- Roviana
- Niijhum Dwip
- All four islands have equal dependence
In this case, we need to calculate for which state (fish/economic) is the maximum. To get the answer, we need to check the maximum fish-selling state and the corresponding economic status.
From the figure, we can say that Roviana has the maximum ratio.
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